Computer vocals

Tomás is working on some new material. He’s working with computer vocals, inspired in part by Johann Johannsson’s piece “Odi et Amo”, and partly by his fascination with music for young children, just like his piece Fairytale, which you can see and hear here.
Ken is in the process of constructing a new studio, and is currently appreciating the benefits of good monitor speakers and a little acoustic treatment.
One of our friends and collaborators, gifted guitarist Michael O’Sullivan, has had his first book published. Congratulations Michael! Buy it on Michael has previously been published in several academic journals. He is currently teaching English In Japan, and working on a collection of short stories.
Some of you may have noticed that we’re fans of the Yamaha TX16W sampler. Here is Tomás’s article on it. And here’s an interesting interview with John Bowen, where he mentions that an early version of the Korg Wavestation used the same filter engine. Don’t get too excited! While very flexible and capable of many filter types, the TX16W filter engine ends up sounding more like 6dB slope than “classic” 24dB. However, it does have an interesting “phaser” filter.

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