• Silver Trail– we recorded the drums in the band’s kitchen, and it sounds like God himself playing! Bass and rhythm guitars completed, including ridiculously high string guitar a.k.a. Flynntar. Vocals tomorrow- stacks of BVs.
• Fuchsia Band– album nearing completion. I will learn how to spell their name… and the difference between a reel and a waltz…
• femmepop- mixes completed, awaiting famous person’s piano overdub…
• SS800- mixing in progress, kinda.
• Tomás got a nice credit for doing live sound on the “Live at the Lobby” album. In all good record stores now!
All new…
• Silver Trail are about to release the single, and the Fuschia album is nearing completion. Hup!
• The new studio is pretty much set up.
• We have a video! Check the music page. It’s really cute, great animation… check the credits.
• femmepop mixes gone for approval.
• Listen out for radio promo of “Gatecrashing” by SS800.
• More wiring done in the studio. CD drives dying all over the shop 🙁 never mind! We’ll fix it…
¨I find myself reparing synths for friends, exercising my electronics knowledge. I replaced a VCF and VCA chip in Finny’s Juno 106 synth. He said:
“Couldn’t sell Juno after using it today. Sounds great. Thanks for fixing it”.
It’s a nice little synth, and we have lots of samples from it! I also had a Moog Opus 3 for a week.Not much of a synth, just a very basic organ, although it has got the Moog filter which is nice. The string section was dead. It went back to its original owner in a hurry. But if you have any sick synths, give me a call, I might be able to help. Finny runs the wonderful bpm studios, the best recording space in Cork. One day I am going to put an orchestra in there!
Moving to a new studio (we hope) complete with Bechstein Piano, Concert Marimbas and drum kit. I’m very excited, we can rehearse now, and record without having to pack up the gear all the time… but I am available to do live recordings, with our new 16 input Pro Tools rig. It looks like I’ll have two album projects this summer.
New track uploaded to the music page. It’s called “Numbers” because I was into the Kraftwerk tune at the time. It started out as a repeating sequence… and stayed like that for a few years (!) while I tried to develop it! But it had a mood as it was, so I just added strings and percussion. Our most played track on the radio- like, six times or something:) It’s one of those tracks that emerged from the archive of ideas, which goes back to 1990 when I first used a sequencer. For the tech heads, it’s one of the first things I did with the Kenton Pro Solo hooked up to the Yamaha CS5 synth, with Cubase 3.0 on the Atari. Back then, the archive was 5 floppy discs. Now it’s an 80 Gig drive and 50+ CDRs… we have good quality control you see…
Feck, it’s like a real blog now!
Animal Rescue
Animal Rescue post is finished.
New server acquired- so we’ll have videos and stuff soon!
Some new ideas in the pipeline, as always 😉
madtheory gear for sale on ebay:
Korg 1212 audio interface SOLD
Mixing has begun on the SS800 album. Possibly some keys too…
Mixing some tracks from the forthcoming femmepop album.
The Fuchsia band album project continues.
Animal Rescue was broadcast AOK.
Animal Rescue
Look out for Animal Rescue Tuesday evenings 7 pm RTE 1- audio post production by Tomás.
Fuchsia session
Worked on an infomercial today, amazing American voice over artist.
The Fuchsia band first album session tomorrow- thanks to Stan for the extra equipment. It’ll be the first madtheory PT session.
Working on some new music, and reworking some old pieces too.
Ken is working on a concept album of guest vocalists.
I have some pics of Cashel Horgan the Shaggy Shiek VJ doing his thing at Cartoon. Great sound by Ber of PRoC fame.
Thomas Dolby is touring, but only one European gig, in London. Maybe some promoter might bring him to Ireland…
Cartoon album launch tonight! I mastered it.
Look out for Animal Rescue, Network 2 April 27th. Tomás did post production sound.
Check out the mastering page for new info on supplying a master to us.
The Fuchsia band have booked a few sessions for their album.
We might be moving the studio to a beautiful location soon…
Yamaha MLA7 8 channel mic pre added to gear list.
Selling on ebay is great!