Gear sold

Been very busy. Lots of interesting gigs. Just finished location sound for a Canadian docu on the Air India disaster, directed by the esteemed Sturla Gunarsson.
Doing post for an educational film on joyriding, mixing the Refuseniks and recording the Symbolics 🙂 Got rid of NI Guitar Rig, the Vox is doing the business with the Refuseniks, we’ve finished all the overdubs and it’s set to be a pop gem.
I don’t miss the Casio, but the Yamaha was great. It was actually my first ever synth :(. But it’s not so bad, I have another CS5, and a CS10 too :).

Gear for sale

Yamaha CS5 synth in great condition, pics below, has Kenton filter CV input kit fitted. SOLD
Casio VL-1 VL Tone cult micro synth, works perfectly, a little yellow with age! I’ll post a pic later. SOLD

Feng Shui

The BCF2000 is really good. Works well, mixing is definitely faster. One more purchase, a keyboard overlay for Pro Tools shortcuts, from here. Inexpensive and highly recommended. So now I can finish a session at a more sociable time!
The studio layout is quite different from the pictures now. Improved acoustics and ergonomics. I’m just waiting for the right light for a photograph 🙂


Some new stuff. I got a Boss CE-2 chorus pedal, gorgeous. Compared to the CE-1 emulation in NI Guitar Rig… I’ll just say, I won’t ever be using the emulation. Actually, Guitar rig is not great. We got one of those new little Vox emulating amps. It sounds far better, and it’s more immediate.
I’m in the process of changing over to Kontakt on the Mac. It’s very very tedious, but it should be good to have our extensive sample library on tap with full recall inside a session. Emulator X2 is here also, that looks great. Some nice sessions coming up in August.
Behringer BCF2000 is on the way. I’m hoping it’ll make mixing even faster.

madtheory sounds endorsed by Emu systems

I’m about to start developing my sounds with the official endorsement of Emu Systems, the world’s longest established developer of sampling instruments. They sound so good in fact, that I’m still using an Emu ESI4000 hardware sampler. They’re upgrading me to the Emulator X soft sampler. First out will be the upright pianos, to be followed by my extensive library of original material. So this means I’ll be using the Windows machine a lot more often!

I’m producing a couple of singles for Seeing Red Records. First band up is True Delusion.

There’s talk of a madtheory gig…

Finished audio post for Rebel Underground from Frameworks Films, documenting the campaign for a skateboard/ BMX/ rollerblade park in Cork city. Some amazing talent there. No web presence to show you though.
Femepop mixing and mastering has been completed. Sounds great.
I updated the mic list, I have the Shure PG series for toms and bass drum, and some more SD condensers. I have an agreement with a few other engineers to pool our mic collections. So if you need a specific mic, let me know, we probably have it.